Lesson Structure 1.1     Introduction 1.2     Classical theory of Raman effect 1.3     Quantum theory of Raman effect 1.4     Pure Rotational Raman spectra 1.5     Vibrational Raman spectra. 1.6     Vibrational - Rotational Raman spectra 1.7     Selection Rules in Raman spectroscopy 1.8     Mutual Exclusion Principle 1.9     Complementary nature of Raman and IR spectra 1.10   Structure determination from Raman and [...]

2023-01-09T22:56:13+05:30January 9th, 2023|

Nature of Bonding in Organic Molecules

Lesson Structure 1.1     Objectives  1.2     Introduction 1.3     Delocalized chemical bonding 1.4     Conjugation and Cross-conjugation 1.5     Resonance  1.6     Hyperconjugation 1.7     Tautomerism  1.8     Hückel’s rules and Aromaticity 1.9     Anti-aromaticity 1.10   Homoaromaticity 1.11   Benzenoid and non-benzenoid aromatic compounds 1.12   Alteranant and non-alteranant hydrocarbon 1.13   Annulenes  1.14   Addition compounds 1.14.1 Crown ether complexes 1.14.2 Cryptands    1.14.3 Inclusion compounds      1.14.4 [...]

2023-01-07T23:18:10+05:30January 7th, 2023|

Quantum Chemistry

Lesson Structure Quantum Chemistry Introduction to Exact Quantum Mechanical Result The Schrodinger equation and the postulates of quantum mechanics Discussion of solution of the Schrodinger equation to some model system viz... Particle in Box The Harmonic Oscillator The rigid rotor The Hydrogen atom Approximate Methods The variation theorem Linear variation principle Perturbation theory (first order [...]

2023-01-07T23:11:15+05:30January 7th, 2023|

Angular Momentum

Lesson Structure Angular Momentum Ordinary angular momentum Generalized angular momentum Eigen function for angular momentum Eigen values of angular momentum Operator using ladder operators Addition of angular momentum Spin anti-symmetry Pauli exclusion principle Electronic Structure of Atoms Electronic configuration Russell-Saunders terms and coupling schemes Stater-Condon Parameters Term Separation Energies of the pn configuration Term Separation [...]

2023-01-05T13:42:23+05:30January 5th, 2023|

Statistical Thermodynamics

Lesson Structure 1        Introduction 2        Microstates, macrostates, ensembles 3        Mathematical basics: probability theory 4        The microcanonical ensemble 5        The Boltzmann entropy and Boltzmann distribution 6        The canonical ensemble 7        Thermodynamic state functions 8        Crystals 9        Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics 10      Ideal mono-atomic gas 11      Ideal gas with internal degrees of freedom 12      Mixtures of [...]

2023-01-02T11:18:58+05:30January 2nd, 2023|


Lesson Structure 1.0       Objectives 1.1       Introductions 1.2       Mechanism of free radical substitution 1.2.1    Free-radical substitution of alkanes 1.2.2    Free-radical halogenation is most commonly applied to allylic or benzylic halogenations       1.3       Neighbouring group assistance in free radical reactions 1.4       Reactivity 1.4.1    Reactivity for aliphatic substrates: 1.4.2    Reactivity in aromatic substrate: 1.4.3    Reactivity in the attacking radicals: [...]

2022-12-26T23:19:29+05:30December 26th, 2022|


Lesson Structure 1.0       Objectives 1.1       Introductions 1.1.1    Leaving groups as (or leaving) nucleophiles or nucleofuge 1.1.2    Incoming nucleophile   1.2.      Mechanism SN2 Reaction 1.3.      The SN1 mechanism (carbocation process) 1.3.1    Evidence for the SN1 mechanism 1.4.      Mixed SN1 and SN2 mechanism 1.5.      SNi mechanism 1.6.      SET mechanism 1.6.1    Evidence for SET mechanism: 1.7.      Neighbouring Group Participation [...]

2022-12-25T18:37:12+05:30December 25th, 2022|


Lesson Structure Conformational analysis of cycloalkanes Decalins Effect of Conformation on reactivity Conformation of sugars Steric strain due to unavoidable crowding Element of symmetry Chirality Molecules more than one chiral center threo and erythro isomers Method of resolution Optical purity Enantiotopic and diastereotopic atoms, groups and Faces Stereospecific and stereoselective synthesis Asymmetric synthesis Optical activity [...]

2022-12-23T18:59:38+05:30December 23rd, 2022|
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