Father of Chemistry “Scientists

Subject Name Reason
Father of Early Chemistry
Father of Chemistry
Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) Introduced the experimental method to alchemy, circa 815.
Father of Modern Chemistry Antoine Lavoisier Book: Elements of Chemistry (1787)
Father of Modern Chemistry Robert Boyle Book: The Sceptical Chymist (1661)
Father of Modern Chemistry Jöns Berzelius developed chemical nomenclature in the 1800s
Father of Modern Chemistry John Dalton revived atomic theory
Father of Early Atomic Theory Democritus. founded atomism in cosmology
Father of Atomic Theory
Father of Modern Atomic Theory
John Dalton first to propose the atom as a building block of matter
Father of Modern Atomic Theory Father Roger Boscovich described what came to be known as modern atomic theory, about a century before others formalized the theory
Father of Nuclear Chemistry Otto Hahn Book: Applied Radiochemistry (1936)
first person to split the atom (1938)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering nuclear fission (1944)
Father of the Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev arranged all the known elements in order of increasing atomic weight, according to periodic properties (1869)
Father of Physical Chemistry Hermann von Helmholtz for his theories on thermodynamics, conservation of energy and electrodynamics
Father of Physical Chemistry
Founder of Chemical Thermodynamics
Willard Gibbs published the first unified body of theorems describing thermodynamics


The alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan, from a 15th century European portrait of Geber, Codici Ashburnhamiani 1166. 

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier is known as the Father of Modern Chemistry.