Aim: Determination the percentage purity of the given sample of a sulpha drug having molecular weight _________.
- Acetone
- 10 % sodium acetate
- Potassium dichromate solution (10%)
- Standard AgNO3
Process: Weigh exactly about 0.2 gm of the given sample of sulpha drug and dissolve in a mixture of 25 ml Acetone & 20 ml 10 % sodium acetate solution (Warm it if necessary). Add 1 ml K2Cr2O7 solution and titrate it against 0.1 N AgNO3. At the end point yellow color of the solution is replaced by permanent faint red color. Perform the experiment in duplicate / triplicate.
Carry out the blank determination omitting the addition of the sulpha drug.
% purity of sulpha drug =
Where V1 = ml of AgNO3 used for sample
V2 = ml of AgNO3 used for blank
N = Normality of AgNO3 solution
M = Molecular weight of sulpha drug
W = weight of sample in gm.
Results: % purity of sulpha drug =
- Blank Estimation:
Burette : 0.1N AgNO3 solution
Flask : 25 ml acetone + 20 ml 10 % CH3COONa + 1 ml K2Cr2O7 solution
End point : Yellow to faint red colour
No. | I.B.R. | F.B.R. | Difference | Constant B.R.
V1 ml |
01 | ||||
02 |
- Actual Estimation:
Burette : 0.1N AgNO3 solution
Flask : 0.2 gm of sulpha drug + 25 ml acetone + 20 ml 10 % CH3COONa + 1 ml K2Cr2O7 solution
End point : Yellow to faint red colour
No. | I.B.R. | F.B.R. | Difference | Constant B.R.
V2 ml |
01 | ||||
02 |
Chemical Reaction:
% purity of sulpha drug =
Where, V1 = ml of AgNO3 used for sample
V2 = ml of AgNO3 used for blank
N = Normality of AgNO3 solution
M = Molecular weight of sulpha drug
W = weight of sample in gm.