- Electric transport, conductance in metals and in electrolyte solution
- Specific conductance, equivalent conductance
- Importance of conductivity electrodes and platinization of electrodes
- Variation of specific conductance with dilution as well as area of cross section of dip type electrode and distance between two plates of electrodes etc.
- Kohlrausch law and its importance, cell constant and its importance
- Conductometric Titration:
- Strong acid – Strong base
- Strong acid – Weak base
- Weak acid – Strong base
- Weak acid – Weak base
- Mixture of strong acid + Weak acid – Strong base
- Precipitation Titration:
- AgNO3 – NaCl
- BaCl2 – K2SO4
- Ba(OH)2 – MgSO4
- Replacement Titration:
- Salt of weak acid – strong acid
- Salt of weak base – strong base
- Degree or hydrolysis and Hydrolysis constant
- Determination of solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salt, for the measurement of conductivity
- Importance of conductivity water and temperature for the measurement of conductivity